Tag Archives: Disqus developer dashboard

How to Get Disqus Public Key and Secret Key?

If you are using Super Socializer plugin or Heateor Social Login plugin for Social Login, follow the steps mentioned below to generate Disqus Public Key and integrate Disqus Login with your WordPress website.

Steps To Generate Disqus Public Key

  1. Navigate to Disqus Developer Dashboard and login to your Disqus account if required
  2. Click Register new application button in the right sideDisqus Public Key - Disqus Developer Dashboard
  3. Fill the required details and click Register my applicationDisqus Public Key - Disqus Application
  4. Select Read Only in the Default access option, fill other required fields and If HOMEPAGE is the url of the homepage of your website save exactly the following url in the Callback URL option
    If using Super Socializer plugin, save HOMEPAGE/SuperSocializerAuth/Disqus
    If using Heateor Social Login plugin, save HOMEPAGE/HeateorSlAuth/Disqus
    For example, if your website is https://yourwebsite.com, you need to save https://yourwebsite.com/SuperSocializerAuth/Disqus or https://yourwebsite.com/HeateorSlAuth/Disqus in this option
    Save changes
    Disqus Public Key - Disqus Callback UrlDisqus Public Key - Disqus Callback UrlDisqus Public Key - Disqus Callback Url
  5. Navigate to Details section, copy Disqus API Key and Disqus API Secret and paste these in the Disqus Public Key and Disqus Secret Key options, respectively at the plugin configuration pageDisqus Public Key - Disqus Application DetailsDisqus Public Key - Disqus API Key