How to Get Amazon Client ID and Secret?

If you are using Super Socializer plugin or Heateor Social Login plugin for Social Login, follow the steps mentioned below to generate Amazon Client ID and integrate Amazon Login with your WordPress website.

Steps To Generate Amazon Client ID

  1. Navigate to Amazon Developer Network page, also called as App Console.
  2. After successfully logging into the App Console, click Create a new security profile button.Amazon Client ID - Create a New Security Profile
  3. Enter application details as followsAmazon Client ID - Name your New Security Profile
    Security Profile Name:
    Name of your Application
    Security Profile Description: A short description of your application
    Consent Privacy Notice URL: URL of the page where you have mentioned the privacy policy page of your website
    Consent Logo Image: (Optional) Select logo image of your store
  4. Click save button
  5. Hover the Settings icon to the right of the app you just created and click Web SettingsAmazon Client ID - Web Settings
  6. Click Edit button at the bottom in the Web Settings sectionAmazon Client ID - Security Profile Management
  7. Save following details
    Allowed Origins: URL of your website
    Allowed Return URLs:
    If you are using Super Socializer plugin save in this option
    If you are using Heateor Social Login plugin save in this option
    here is the URL of your websiteAmazon Client ID - Allowed Return URLs
  8. Click the Save button
  9. Copy-paste Client Id and Client Secret in the corresponding options at the social login configuration page.Amazon Client ID  -Client Secret