If you are using Super Socializer or Sassy Social Share plugin for Social Sharing, follow the steps mentioned below to enable minimum share count for individual sharing network.
Tag Archives: Social Sharing WordPress
How to disable social share on particular page/post?
If you are using Super Socializer or Sassy Social Share plugin for Social Share, follow the steps mentioned below to disable Social Share on individual page/post.
How to show share count of website rather than of individual page/post?
If you are using Super Socializer or Sassy Social Share plugin for Social Sharing, follow the steps mentioned below to show share count of website rather than of individual page/post.
Super Socializer
Choose “Url of the homepage of your website” in “Target Url” option and enable “Show share counts” option in Sharing Options section at Super Socializer > Social Sharing page in admin panel of your website
Sassy Social Share
Choose “Url of the homepage of your website” in “Target Url” option and enable “Show share counts” option in Standard Interface or Floating Interface section (depending on which interface you have enabled) at Sassy Social Share page in admin panel of your website
Social Share Shortcode and Widget
If you are using Super Socializer plugin for Social Share, follow the steps mentioned below to enable social share in the content of individual page/post.
You would like to read this post to use the shortcode without causing any problems at your site.
Social Share Shortcodes
You can use [TheChamp-Sharing]
Shortcode in the content of required page/post where you want to display Social Sharing interface.
You can use following attributes in the Shortcode
Use style attribute to style the rendered Social Sharing interface
[TheChamp-Sharing style="background-color:#000;"]
Use type attribute to specify the type (“horizontal” or “vertical”) of Social Sharing interface. Defaults (if not specified) to horizontal
[TheChamp-Sharing type="vertical"]
Title (Works with “horizontal” type interface only)
Use Title attribute to specify title above Social Sharing interface.
[TheChamp-Sharing title="Sharing is Caring"]
Use count attribute to enable the share counts on Social Sharing interface. 1 is to tell plugin to enable count. It is not the number of shares.
[TheChamp-Sharing count="1"]
Set total_shares attribute value to ON to enable total shares. Defaults (if not specified) to OFF
[TheChamp-Sharing total_shares="ON"]
Align (Works with “vertical” type interface only)
Use align attribute to specify alignment (left or right) of Social Sharing interface. Defaults (if not specified) to left
[TheChamp-Sharing type="vertical"]
(Will align to left, as align is not specified)
[TheChamp-Sharing type="vertical" align="right"]
(Will align to right)
Left (Works with “vertical” type interface only)
Use left attribute to specify the left offset (distance form the left side of the screen) of Social Sharing interface. Defaults (if not specified) to 0
[TheChamp-Sharing type="vertical" left="500"]
Right (Works with “vertical” type interface only, “align” attribute must be set to “right”)
Use right attribute to specify the right offset (distance form the right side of the screen) of Social Sharing interface. Defaults (if not specified) to 0
[TheChamp-Sharing type="vertical" align="right" right="500"]
Top (Works with “vertical” type interface only)
Use top attribute to specify the top offset (distance form the top of the screen) of Social Sharing interface. Defaults (if not specified) to 100
[TheChamp-Sharing type="vertical" top="200"]
Use Url attribute to specify the url to be shared. Defaults (if not specified) to the webpage where shortcode is placed
[TheChamp-Sharing type="vertical" url="http://mywebsite.com/example.php"]
You can use shortcode in PHP file as following
<?php echo do_shortcode(‘SHORTCODE’) ?>
Replace SHORTCODE in above code with the required shortcode like [TheChamp-Sharing style=”background-color:#000;”], so the final code looks like following
<?php echo do_shortcode('[TheChamp-Sharing style="background-color:#000;"]') ?>
You can navigate to the Appearance > Widgets section in the left pan and enable Super Socializer – Sharing (Horizontal Widget) and Super Socializer – Sharing (Vertical Floating Widget) widgets in the required area